Monday, March 10, 2008


Man I suck at this workout log thing.
Ok. Today I did a boatload of swings and 20, and 24 kilo snatches. Really working on snatching the 24 whilst saving my hands. Day of the TSC I don't care if I rip all my fingers off, but up until then I want to keep them intact. Finished up with some squats. I'm gradually working squats, deads, and an overhead press (usually barbell jerks) back into my routine. Up until the TSC I'm going to focus more narrowly on the snatches and pull ups. Pull ups look good right now. I'm consistently around 15, but I haven't really maxed them out yet. Partially because my left elbow has fired back up. I'm finding bodyweight pull ups make it hurt, but if I strap on a kettlebell and do weighted pulls, no pain.
Things look good. Weight is dropping. It was going up, but now that I'm on the warrior diet it's heading south. Seems to be all body fat though, so I'm not concerned. Energy level is way higher, and my endurance seems to be better. I'll keep updated on that.
Right now this is where I stand (I.E. what I know I can do if keeping my hands in shape isn't an issue)
Pull Ups: 16
Deadlift: 405 lbs.
24 kilo snatches in 5 minutes: 80

Goal by TSC-
Pull Ups: 20
Deadlift: 425 lbs.
24 kilos snatches in 5 minutes: 100

It's doable.

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