Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Max VO2

Today I did a Max VO2- 15/15 with the 16 kilo for 25 minutes, 7 reps per 15 seconds.
Yeah... this is hard. I kind of go back and forth on the Max VO2, but I need to keep hitting this. It wasn't actually that difficult, but my left hand became an issue and I had to do the last three minutes all right handed. I feel like I can boost it up to 8 reps throughout as I was consistently hitting my 7th rep at 11 or 12 seconds and just locking out for the last few seconds. I would have kicked it up early on, but I had a feeling one of my hands was going to get torn as I had no chalk. I did it at Equinox because an audience makes me work harder, but chalk is a no-no there.

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