Monday, October 27, 2008


Squat Day

Warm ups to include some 24 kg. pistols just to make sure they still work. :)

Squat (Barbell)

Ouch. I mean really this time. The last couple were like I was trying to stand back up in the midst of being beaten (which has actually happened on a couple occasions) but I pushed it out. Despite the difficulty I capped it off by taking the 20th rep a couple inches lower.

Mil Press
3x1/1 32 kg.

Windmills (Kept these light)
2x3/3 45 lbs. (barbell)

Nail Bending
8 total green nails done all as singles. I just did them from disadvantageous leverage points. 4 were Heslep Style and 4 were reverse grip done at arms length. Whole new level there. All were drawn back in to the body for the crush down.
Bending a green nail is like bending a spoon now.
I've got some new stock as well as a horseshoe and some leather and suede wraps coming from fat bastard barbell company soon, so that will be cool.
I've broken 170 pounds and I haven't gotten fat yet. :)

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