Friday, May 16, 2008


Good today, felt strong. I'm working within general parameters, not trying to follow a strict program. That just doesn't work for me.

4 rounds of swings- 30x24 kg, 20x32 kg, 10x40 kg In between rounds I hit the 32 kg for 3 each on snatches.
Pressing ladder- 16 kg. 3 ladders, 5 rungs, no rest.
*Realized this week that I can't press for dick, excuse the language. Yeah I can press a 32 kg. and jerk a 40 kg. but I still feel like I should be able to press more, so I'm focusing on that as well as it will help with my overhead stability in the heavy snatches. I can always tell the 40 doesn't want to stay up there.

3 rounds of- 2 pull ups with 12 kilos, 2 pistols each leg, 5 hindu push ups. Need to kick up my Royal court, it is lacking.

Finished up with some heavy core work. Inverterd pull ups (I grab the bar, pull my legs straight up in the air so my head and shoulder are my point lowest to the floor and do pull ups)x5, saxon side bends with 15 lbs. each for 6, janda sit ups, evil wheel from the knees and standing.

Good times.

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