Friday, November 14, 2008


Squat Day
2x5 225 lbs.
2x2 275 lbs.
2x1 295 lbs.

Nothing too difficult here. I made it more difficult by being very exacting with my form. I realized the other day I've been in more of an Olympic style squat stance with how narrow I was, so I reviewed some video of good squatters and adopted a more powerlifting appropriate wide stance. I then narrowed it down a bit to accommodate my hips (I have none) and it was just right.
What was I just saying the other day about feeling weird in my own body at 175? My massage therapist identified the beginning of a C curve in my thoracic spine yesterday, so I really need to change the method of recovery I'm doing and even out my right and left sides. The working theory right now is that my right side is so much stronger it's pulling the spine that way.
Cool. I'm strong. :)

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