Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I've shifted gears after my attempt at a deadlift max. Not haphazardly mind you, this was a planned shift. Last month was conditioning and snatch, building up more endurance, which I needed. Now I shift back to what will become closer to that norm post RKC/TSC as I work on feats of strength and nail bending.
I'm doing a variation of Mahler's 5x5 with a snatch specific and deadlift day included for a total of 5 training days a week. This also allows me to work on more RKC specific drills such as swings, cleans, squats, etc. I have also stepped up my instructor participation with clients, which has me doing 100's of drills a day. However, I realized I was pretty much doing that anyway. Now I'm just aware of it. :)
Double snatch/press 20 kg.
Double Windmills 20 kg/ 24 kg. (last three sets)
Pull Ups 10 kg.
Renegade Row 24 kg/ 28 kg. (last three sets)

I'll get more detailed with these logs as the reps will climb getting ready to bump up to the next bell. I hadn't done these drills in a while and forgot how brutal they are. My core is toasted.

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