Thursday, July 24, 2008


Max VO2
20 kg.
7 reps
80 sets
This was pretty brutal, but I made it. I'm going to stay on this for a while until I'm fully confident in it, and then start working in some 8 rep sets. Right now I honestly have to say I couldn't do this faster than 7 reps unless I had someone giving me 2 second warnings so I can get on the bell faster.
At Girya I knocked out 16 pull ups and made a real effort to keep them strict. Much better than my abysmal 12 reps at the April TSC, and I still had 1 or 2 left in the tank. I actually dropped off the bar early because my brachioradialis has been super fired up from all the grip work and was starting to snap tight. I did some massage work on it and am going to start rolling my forearms out.

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