Monday, February 11, 2008


I pulled a max deadlift this morning. I warmed up with some Turkish Get Ups with the barbell. After reading about Adam Glass's 165 TGU I have changed my goal on that. I've been stuck at 90 lbs., but I also realized I wasn't using technique. I was basically using all core to bring the weight up, ending up in a seated V before coming up on my knee. I'm regressing to fix that, and I'll come back stronger.
So, onto the deadlift. I'm pretty pleased about this as I successfully pulled 385 lbs. 40 lbs. shy of where I want to be, but the important thing is my right hand held fast. Previously, due to my injury the bar had been flying out of my right hand while my left held fast.
I decided to stop at 385 as it was 'head exploding' difficult. However, the 315 prior to that went up pretty damn easy, and normally it doesn't, so that tells me something.
I'm going to post some videos of my deadlift for critique, as the amount of actual physical instruction I've received on the deadlift is: ZERO. Everything I know I learned from articles. I feel like I'm doing fine, but you can always learn more.

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