Friday, June 20, 2008


Heavy dead and snatch day.
This one was rough, definitely an off day. Also the last one in the cycle before I pull the new Max next week.

2 set warm up
Deadlift- 2x223
Snatch- 7x24 kg each side.

Work sets
Deadlift- 2x313
Snatch- 5x32 kg. each side.

Had to dial the snatches back down to 5 reps today as I was feeling toasted from the get go. Stuck with hard style, no GS.
Finished the sets, but like I said, this was a tough one to make it through. Worked some new stuff with the deads and they went up easy, but for some reason the last two sets were murder. Just the lifts grinding me down. I think it's good that today was the end.

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