Monday, September 1, 2008

20080901- Starting the new cycle

Two weeks out from the TSC I know nothing is going to change, and the numbers I have now are most likely the ones I will have then. Knowing this, I am now shifting into a new training cycle and using the lower intensity to gear down for the competition.
Forgot to post it, but I ran a 5 minute test on the 32 kg. this Sunday. I hit 68 reps in 5 minutes. I know I can get 80 if I just gut it out, but I didn't feel like killing myself. After this I considered entering the elite division this year, but I want to accomplish two things first.
1. Pack some weight on my deadlift. I believe I can pull 405 right now, but I want to get it higher. This will require an actual deadlift training cycle.
2. I want to get 100 reps with the 32 kg. in 5 minutes. It can be done.
Today I hit the pull ups hard. Low weight, high volume.
4 sets of 4 10 kg.
4 sets of 3 10 kg.
4 sets of 3 12 kg.
3 sets of 6 bodyweight

I stopped early as my forearms were really getting tight. I'll get more volume on these, but it's wise to ease into the high volume stuff. Ultimately I'll hit about 100 pull ups per workout.
Tomorrow is low volume pistols and some snatching.
I'll give you three guesses what this new training cycle is for, and the first two don't count. I'm keeping it under wraps until I get a good idea of whether or not I can actually pull this off.
The warrior diet is also getting suspended for the moment to bring my weight up to the 175-180 range. I need more mass to move heavier bells. The key here is to keep it healthy. Last time I suspended it and crashed it was partially because I was not keeping it healthy. Lesson learned.

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