Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Low volume pistols.
I forgot my notebook so I'm not sure of the exact sets and reps.

4 sets of 1/1 12 kg.
4 sets of 1/1 16 kg.
1/1 24 kg. (2x12kg.) to a low box. About 6 inches off the floor.
4 sets of 1/1 12 kg.

These went well. I know I can pistol a 24 kg. right now, it's just a matter of technique. I've been following Kenneth Jay's admonitions to treat this as a 'practice' and really drive in the movements.
A big problem is unloading too much tension at the bottom. When I've seen people fail a pistol at the bottom I can see that they're unloading in the bottom position, and then they're screwed. I understand the temptation, because you can rest in that position, but you most likely won't be able to crank enough power back up to get out of it.

Finished up with some swings to keep my cardio in check.
7 sets of 20 with the 28 kg.
3 sets of 10 with the 40 kg.

These workouts are a much different animal than my crazy snatching schedule. I don't feel as smoked during them, but I can definitely feel them eating away at me. My whole back is sore from yesterday and my legs are already sore (3 hours later) from today. :)

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